Lyndsay's World

Friday, September 29, 2006

Paris for the Weekend

Hey Everyone!

How cool is it that I can go to Paris for a weekend and I am not married to some old rich dude to do it?? Joanna and I are heading out to Paris tomorrow and it is going to be amazing!! Things are doing really good but I am broke broke broke but hey there is something to be said about being poor and happy...right? ....right? haha. Anyways I am fine and I am saying bye to another friend tonight. My roomate is having a goodbye party which is starting right this minute. I figure instead of being sad I will just appreciate the fact that some people are meant to be in your life for a long time and others for a short period and that you should appreciate what you have with them while you have it. Well that is my philosophical moment for the night.

So instead of being anti-social I will go back to enjoying the party!!! I will give you an update from Gay Paris!!!
Later Gaters!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Busy Busy Busy

Hey everyone!

I promised I would write more so I guess I lied. I am so busy these past few weeks and it will only get busier. I am going out all the time and with joanna coming it will be even more so. We are heading to Paris for next weekend and it is going to be sooo great to be back there and practice my french.
Sidenote: An amazing fireworks display just went on outside my window on the thames river sooo beautiful....glad I got to see it.
ANother good friend has left me so Joanna's mission with me is to find some amazing people to be friends with. My roomate left and another is leaving next week so we will have some new people in the house. I swear this house is like Big Brother sometimes. I think I might move out actually cause of all the drama gets a bit wearing.

I hope everyone is well and I am all too aware that in a few weeks London will be super depressing in terms of weather so I am enjoying every day of nice weather! It gets dark here around 7 so the days are quite short (especially since I am not off work till 6). It is ok I am a night person anyways...better lighting at night haha. I hear another person is preggers within the family unit which is making me feel a little bit behind but I was never going to get married early. I guess someone in the family has to be different! But congrats Tammi!!!
So Andrea is planning her trip out here for next year already and she had me agreeing to go to Armenian with her for next summer to possibly build houses. When will the craziness end?? NEVER!!
welcome any family and friends who want to get away from school or work to come visit me. By now I cannot claim to be an expert but I am learning and maybe by the time I get another visitor I will be the social queen of England!
I love the comments and updates from home...I need pictures!!!! So send away !
Talk soon, love Lynds

Friday, September 15, 2006

A Bust

Hey all.

My roomate just now almost set the flat on fire. Ok I am now addicted to a stupid show called Coronation Street...which I know my mom used to be addicted to so maybe it is genetic. The store had it's sale this week but no one came hahaha. I felt bad for my boss but I really didn't mind because I get super stressed when we are busy. The balloons, the madness. I am obsessed with balloons now I notice them everywhere and it drives me nuts. I am getting ideas for if I ever decide to open my own shop ... and I will expect everyone to come to my store and to spread the word but that is soooo very far in the future and right now it is just a flicker of an idea in my crazy head.

I am just now getting over my sickness but my voice is still a little husky which quite frankly makes me sound much better than my normal high pitch voice. I have not really gone out as much because I have been sick but also because my job makes me soo tired. I am more tired working there 8 hours than I ever did working 16/17 hours on set. I do not know what it is about that job but it exhausts me.

I am sooo excited to have Joanna coming to visit!!! It will be great to have someone here I have a history with. I meet people here but everytime I have to start from scratch so it will be nice to have someone I am already comfortable with. Also I have to make a list of all the things she can do in London while I am working which will not be hard. The shopping alone my goodness! haha.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dogs and Babies

Well more and more I am noticing women walking around London totting either a small child or a dog. Maybe it is because I work in a party shop I see lots of distressed mothers with their children deciding between the finding nemo or winnie the pooh balloons. Even around my neighbourhood tons of families with prams (baby strollers to you guys) and dogs on leashes, dogs in the bus and even in the underground. Seeing all this makes me really want .... a puppy. What did you think I would say?? ha. But neither finances or time will allow for this plus I do not think my flatmates would appreciate it very much. Speaking of Flatmates there is still tense drama every day which comes from one major source but I will not name names (mostly because I am a scaredy cat). Sara, one of the girls I share a room with has to leave so we will be getting 2 new roomates (June is leaving to go back to school). Since one of them will be staying in a room with me I hope she is not a crazy person or plays the trumpet or something.
I am getting sick and I blame the French one! She has been sick for two weeks and now she is better I now an feeling the beginnings of something. It better go away because the next two weeks of work will be insane. My boss is crazy. For some reason she put out nearly 1500 postcards advertising a party on the 13th, 14th and 15th which will have face painting and tons of discounts. WE ARE ONLY TWO PEOPLE !! How in the world are we going to accomendate all these people??? I feel like we are the Field of Dreams and all of America is coming over and we have no where to put them. Ok maybe the sickness is getting to me because I have become delusional.

Just got word from my brother that my older cousin (by a whole year) is pregnant so Congrats Brianne!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

September Already

I cannot believe its already September! I have been here 2 and a half months and it just blows my mind. So much is happening this month I hope I can keep up with it all. Usually I have to go to work for 10 am but every Saturday I am going to have to go in for 8AM! A company wants a 2 balloon arches for every Saturday in September and of course this month there are 5 Saturdays boooo. I know that sounds so very exciting but this is what is happening right now so that is what I am writing! All my friends are leaving in the next few weeks so it means two things. #1- I have to go out a lot to say goodbye and #2 I have to find new friends hahaha. The last one leaves around the 20th and Joanna is coming around the 22nd so at least I will have someone for a few more weeks. So Jean Phillip, Jenna, Jerome, June….and Yolanda (I know a lot of J’s). are leaving to either go back to Canada or to go back to their schools so being the old one of the group I am the only one not going back to school. This makes me miss school and I am thinking I should take some courses when I get home because there is much to learn! So that is a lesson to all my cousins…Stay in school as long as you can!!!! The “real world” is not as fun.

I went to Brighton this week (not Bath) on my day off and I have to say Chicago must relinquish its title as the windy city because Brighton is by far the windiest. I couldn’t believe this was the beach people come to swim in because the beach wasn’t what I am used to since it is all rocks and I like my beaches sandy. It was soooo cold and windy the few people in the water should have had their heads examined. It was a fun time though it had a carnival set up on the pier and there were tons of casino type games and even a place with old time (1890s-1920s) machines. My friend and I tried out the fortune teller machine and it reminded me of the movie Big but nothing major happened to me the next morning…I was mildly disappointed. My fortune wasn’t all that exciting either but it was only 20 pence so it was all in good fun. All in all Brighton was ok but I liked Oxford better.

The weather is still pretty cold and so I have made peace with the fact that summer has been over for a few weeks and it will never come back. Bye Bye Sun Hello Rain!