Lyndsay's World

Friday, September 29, 2006

Paris for the Weekend

Hey Everyone!

How cool is it that I can go to Paris for a weekend and I am not married to some old rich dude to do it?? Joanna and I are heading out to Paris tomorrow and it is going to be amazing!! Things are doing really good but I am broke broke broke but hey there is something to be said about being poor and happy...right? ....right? haha. Anyways I am fine and I am saying bye to another friend tonight. My roomate is having a goodbye party which is starting right this minute. I figure instead of being sad I will just appreciate the fact that some people are meant to be in your life for a long time and others for a short period and that you should appreciate what you have with them while you have it. Well that is my philosophical moment for the night.

So instead of being anti-social I will go back to enjoying the party!!! I will give you an update from Gay Paris!!!
Later Gaters!


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