Lyndsay's World

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Lazy Lyndsay

Hey everyone. Ok I just was yelled at by my father for not updating my blog since some of you have been hounding him asking why I haven’t kept it up. So I am sorry! Things have been happening here but they have not been super exciting so I never thought to update but I have learned my lesson and I will be sure to keep this going for all my fans (haha just kidding).

Yeah so London is crazy when it comes to weather I cannot believe it, it seriously blows my mind how many seasons happen in one day here. You never know what to wear when going out so you must be prepared for anything! Start the day thinking oh it’s raining I will where my warm clothes and an umbrella and 5 minutes later when you are outside sweating your buns off waiting for the bus you curse the god of London weather because he is having a laugh for sure. Same goes for a nice day, beautiful days are no more – it’ll rain at least two times a day. I get so cold sometimes in the flat and my flatmates are like “you are from Canada! How can you be cold??” Then I give them a dirty look and say “Well in winter I am prepared for the cold not in frickin’ August so lay off!!” (ha I do not go that far but sometimes I have the urge).

I went to Oxford last week and it is sooo beautiful. My friend took pics so hopefully I can post them on here so you can see. There are tons of cool places you can go for day trips and it is not too expensive. This week I think I am going to Bath which is supposed to be really pretty as well. In Oxford we went on this ghost tour which was pretty lame and I am convinced the tour guide was drunk because he was unable to stand still and he kept forgetting the information and after 10 years of doing the tour you would think he had it down. Oxford is supposed to have all these ghosts because the townies were killing the students all the time when it first opened which make me think that perhaps you would want to choose a different school – but that is me.

I did not see any ghosts unfortunately.

Work is going good. The boss lady left me alone for almost a week while she went to visit her family so I was unsure since I had only been there a week so far but nothing major happened so it ended up being ok. Right now we are preparing for a pre- Halloween party, sending out invitations and decorating the store. A million little kids running around playing with everything will be crazy and there is only two of us so I will update you on the madness. It is too bad the store isn’t in St. Catharines because there is tons of stuff for kids birthdays and theme parties. The website if you want to take a look is Maybe I will open one in Canada – always good to have options.

I got news that one of my bestest friends Joanna will be coming to visit me which is very exciting. I will get to show someone around the best city in the world (that’s right New York I said it!). So it is an open invitation to anyone who wants to come I welcome you!!!!

We had a bank holiday here which is what we call a long weekend. On Sunday I went to a Music Festival which was called Get Loaded in the Park. It was pretty fun and I was happy it did not rain although it did get a bit cold. I really wanted to see De La Soul but they only played two songs so I wasn’t too happy but a band called Baby Shambles was really good. The Notting Hill Carnival was in full affect on Monday and it was madness! I guess it would be the same as Toronto’s Carnival with Jamaican/African music and costumes and dancing. People were loving it, dancing and going crazy but apparently it is also really dangerous because there is so many people. But everything ended up being really fun and nothing bad happened so no worries.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Hello Working Girl

This is my first week at work and things are going ok … though it is only Tuesday ha. I am a little clumsy when it comes to the balloons but hopefully I will pick it up fast. My boss is planning a huge pre- Halloween party in September so that should be fun to organize and give me a chance to be a little creative. It looks like the dream is going to be differed a little while but maybe after Christmas I will go back to film. I would feel bad if I quit when she hired me thinking it would be for awhile. The hours are great 10-6 so I can still go out at night and not be dead in the morning. I know this is all very exciting stuff but that’s all I got so far!

Amsterdam and Brussels

Hey sorry I have been lazy in the updates but traveling to two countries in 4 days wears a girl out. Since this is a family blog all I will say is Amsterdam is pretty fun – tons of young people and surprisingly cleaner than I thought it would be. I cannot even explain to you the living conditions of the first night spent there. We were on some ratty boat that looked like it hadn’t been used in years. We thought our little (emphasis on little) room was bad but than a girl showed us the rest of the place and oh my … I kid you not but it looked like an orphanage from Oliver Twist or something. Not to alarm any of you but we had to get to the boat by ferry but after 12:30 we have to take a night bus. Well the night bus driver must have thought he was being hilarious but he dropped us off at the wrong spot and we had to walk for over an hour in the middle of nowhere. Thank goodness we only stayed one night. Next we had a cool hostel but because we were doing things last minute we could only stay one night and it seemed the rest of the city’s hostels were all booked up so we headed to Brussels. I never expected to like Brussels since I had no real knowledge of it before but it turned out to be a great little trip. It is sooo beautiful there and of course we ate the waffles and bought some chocolate. I am not really a huge chocolate person but this stuff was amazing, all made in the stores so it was top quality. We had to leave early there too because I had to work on Monday and missing my first day of work would not look so good.

Amsterdam and Brussels

Hey sorry I have been lazy in the updates but traveling to two countries in 4 days wears a girl out. Since this is a family blog all I will say is Amsterdam is pretty fun – tons of young people and surprisingly cleaner than I thought it would be. I cannot even explain to you the living conditions of the first night spent there. We were on some ratty boat that looked like it hadn’t been used in years. We thought our little (emphasis on little) room was bad but than a girl showed us the rest of the place and oh my … I kid you not but it looked like an orphanage from Oliver Twist or something. Not to alarm any of you but we had to get to the boat by ferry but after 12:30 we have to take a night bus. Well the night bus driver must have thought he was being hilarious but he dropped us off at the wrong spot and we had to walk for over an hour in the middle of nowhere. Thank goodness we only stayed one night. Next we had a cool hostel but because we were doing things last minute we could only stay one night and it seemed the rest of the city’s hostels were all booked up so we headed to Brussels. I never expected to like Brussels since I had no real knowledge of it before but it turned out to be a great little trip. It is sooo beautiful there and of course we ate the waffles and bought some chocolate. I am not really a huge chocolate person but this stuff was amazing, all made in the stores so it was top quality. We had to leave early there too because I had to work on Monday and missing my first day of work would not look so good.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Hey everyone...

This week has been soo crazy I cannot even begin to tell you everything. I have finally found a job that seems pretty cool, good hours and decent pay. I work as a shop assistant for a party store (you know, costumes, balloons, theme decorations etc). It is pretty close to me so that is good and it will be nice to get some some money coming in. I have decided on a whim that since i do not start work till monday that i will go on a trip to Amsterdam and Brussels. For those worried I will be going with a friend so i will not be alone this time. I love how you can do that here...just go to so many cool places for a few days or a weekend. So everything is going well and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief knowing i will not end up on the streets. I love that people are enjoying these blogs and I promise I will write more next time but I am super tired and I have to get up at 5am tomorrow to catch the flight. To my grandma...I promise your postcard is coming I wrote the wrong address and ruined the whole thing so I will do a whole new one.

P.S my hostel in Amsterdam is a giant cool is that!