Lyndsay's World

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Christmas is coming

sorry for the delay had internet trouble:

I cannot believe it is one month until Christmas as summer seemed just a few weeks ago. I am trying to think what I would be doing if I was back in Toronto and I really am not sure. Back at Canadian Tire? Working on a new movie? Who knows all I know is I cannot dwell on what ifs because it could drive anyone crazy. I still love London and I am still making new friends here, something I would not do in Toronto. There is something about being on your own that forces you to change, forces you to meet people and I am thankful that I had been given this opportunity to go and be different.

On to more news worthy events – there was a stabbing at Café Nero, less then a block away from my work. Walking to work that morning the coffee shop I go to every day was sealed off by police, forensics were taking samples from the street and I had no idea what went down. My boss heard a few stories from people around (it is a very gossipy neighbourhood ). Apparently it was an American who came home in the early hours and a angry neighbour stabbed him repeatedly. So insane. It got me thinking what I would do if I witnessed such a thing (if it happened a few hours later I would have). I guess you never know what you will be like in a situation until you are in it.

My friend Ryan and I went out of the city to Hampton Court where King Henry VIII had once lived. It was a really interesting building and the outside grounds were beautiful full on with swans in the fountains. It was not so grand a castle though it seemed smaller and the rooms were very stark. I would not want to live there (I mean if I had an option to of course).

Hey anyways I met an Armenian! I was at my friend Chris’ house where he was having people over for his birthday and I met his friend Todd an Iranian Armenian. I found this out randomly when I asked him about his crucifix necklace. He said there was a ton of Armenians in London and also that he had been to Armenia. I told him my sister and I were planning a trip next summer and he said it was brilliant, the people were great and it had beautiful countryside. It was cool meeting him.

Three weeks till I go home! I am in town only for a few weeks so I will try to see everyone and catch up with what people have been doing! See you soon!


Blogger The Lone Beader® said...

It does seem like summer just ended.... :(

4:28 PM  
Blogger Laura Klimek said...

yes, I can't believe December 1 is Friday! Needless to say I put out my Xmas lights. I have subdued from the full out Griswald look as I am tired of blowing fuses. Though I switched a lot of lights to the new LED 60% energy savers. I need another plug so I can continue down the side to the back yard.
My client that has the honeywagon said they were just rapping up filming with John Travolta etc for Dream Girls. It was a real tight set so he may not get any pictures till the wrap up party.
Your mom, Andrea and I are going to Ridley to see the GCP production of
Chicago. Traci from the studio is in it. I don't know what role. Probably Roxy. Hope you have time to spend with us when you come home.
We should do a cuzin family chick night.
Love you Lyndsay,
safe flight
xx Laura

9:11 AM  
Blogger Laura Klimek said...

I guess I am the only one that had to read the one sentence twice -
"I am having a good lay
in on my day off"
I guess living with Uncle Brian
and knowing Uncle Rick that I had
to read this a couple of times to
get it.
Can't wait to see you!

8:57 AM  

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