Lyndsay's World

Friday, July 14, 2006

the summer of Lyndsay

Hey everyone!
So things are doing good I am in the process of moving into my new flat and the area is really great. I would say its about the same atmosphere as Queen West with a splash of Bloor for sophistication. I have been taking all my money out by credit card since I got here and since I have a stupid canadian limit on my debit card of 200 bucks which is like 80 pounds here, which is nothing. When I get my most perfect job soon I can start paying off everything in pounds but till then I shall live in debit for the first time in my life! How sweet credit is. SO now I have internet FINALLY so I feel like I am back in touch with the world. Job hunting will go much faster and I will have more prospects instead of heading all the way to the other end of town to use the BUNAC computers. They kick you off after 20 minutes, what can you possibly accomplish in twenty minutes? Not much.

I already have some really cool friends here and I hope to meet more British people because they know where all the really cool back door places are and those are always the most fun. I have decided to do my best and give up sugar since everyone here weighs like 90 pounds ... but my need for a Cola may overrule my wanting to be thin. Who needs to fit in when you have a tub of ice cream and John Cusack to watch on the Tele??

SO i hope everyone has a brilliant weekend and I will do my best to catch on to the accent and lingo so I can annoy everyone at Christmas.


Blogger Laura Klimek said...

Chip Chip cheerio and all that rot.
I'm in California, escaping my kids, work, etc etc. the weather is hot, the sun is great. Apart from a airplane horror - we ran out of gas! 5 ft short of the thing that you get into the airport with and had to be towed to it. Do you believe it! What if we had to circle for some reason.
Then our connecting flight, we board and sit, they have not airconditioning. Then the say the have a more serious problem they will try and resolve. If not, we need to change planes. Well guess what, we changed planes. All in all we arrived an hour late. I neglected to mention the first fiasco was Buffalo to Detroit and the second Detroit to Buffalo. Melanie was on my flight, Vicki didn't make it - ear problems - but she is coming Monday. Patricia and Ani tried to get on my flight and right up till they boarded their plane, then got pulled off and got on my flight.
The Calfornia kids left today for camp with Ani. So it is a chick week - all grown ups. Parrrteee!
Hope to see if we can get tickets for Ellen if she is taping. Well the pool is calling me and I will sign off for now. Will be in touch soon.
Good luck job hunting. Just dont become too English. We like our Lyndsay - 'just the way you are'.

XXXXX Guiness anyone?

3:10 PM  

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