Lyndsay's World

Friday, June 23, 2006


As I write this in my journal I am on a road trip through Ireland and its amazing. I just hope my pictures justify it but I really recommend seeing it in full colour for yourself. Though I am having fun I am starting to get homesick....thinking of packing it in and telling everyone they were right and I can't do this!

I think I made my point, I attempted the trip, made the effort- I will be sure to refund all your gifts.

I have lost my very expensive, much loved Creative MP3 player. My only guess is that it was stolen out of the room because i searched all through my bag inside out and it is nowhere in site.
So I already made two major mistakes and therefore cannot afford to make anymore. Hopefully seeing Jesse will lift my spirits and provide me with that second wind I need to continue on cause right now I feel broken.

Well I hope you are all thinking about me and praying for me because I am thinking of all of you and I miss you all. And sitting at an Internet cafe at 2 in the morning waiting to catch my bus has made me realize that.


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