Lyndsay's World

Friday, June 23, 2006

Love/ Hate relationship with The Fatherland

Well I have been wandering around Dublin in a kindof a haze. It is really cold here and I did not expect this weather so I broke down and bought a sweatshirt. It has big letters that say Ireland on it so if that makes me a nerd in Dublin so be it cause I am cold! It is really cool and picturesque here but my god is it ever expensive. The tour guide told us later it was the 24th most expensive city in the world. You would have to be pretty rich to spend more than a week in Dublin, have no idea how people live here.

So about mid-day I found a friend. She is an American from Michigan, her name is Heidi. We found eachother because we both had no idea what we were doing and we were both crazy women travelling alone! We broke our day for some much needed nap time and later met up to go to Temple Bar which is a trendy part of Dublin where there are many pubs and clubs. I met Heidi's friend Sarah, also from the States, who she had met at the hostel. Later we girls met Divon, also an American (sensing a pattern here. Divon was on a mission he started two days earlier to get to 15 different Dublin bars and have a Guiness at each. Crazy guy... but he did it!

Tonight was a good night but I think i lost my MP3 player.


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