Lyndsay's World

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Canada in England

Went to
Park to look for Yolanda's friend Jamie. I emphasize Kensington because he told us he was in Hyde Park. So we looked for an hour before actually finding the next park over. Anywho I got to see alot of the Princess Diana Memorial Park in our search and it was very pretty. Jamie had found some French people to play rugby with and I really tried to understand their conversation but alas my french has failed me again. Despite Yolanda and I's complete lack of french speaking skills we all were bonded by laughing at the large group of christian folk singers in the park. I guess making fun of overzealous Christians is Universal language barrier.

After the park we went back to Yolanda's to get ready to go out to a Canadian bar: The Maple Leaf. Only one day out of Canada and I am already back.

SO the big deal was the bar was airing the 6th game in the NHL playoffs (it aired really early in the morning there so it was a recording). We met up with Yolanda's Canadian teacher friends and oh my were they pumped! I have never seen a group of girls so excited about watching a hockey game in my life. Jamie came by later and it was so funny his reaction to the girls and the game because he has never seen a hockey game in his life. I was explaining to him the rules and goings on and he couldn't believe how much fighting there was. I told him that game was nothing since there had yet to be any true fist fights. He was amazed.

My first night out in London was spent in Canada...but it was fun.


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